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细胞通过什么输送营养 细胞通过什么输送营养物质呢

凯丽环球 2022年10月29日 美商凯丽新闻中心 129 ℃ 0 评论

溶酶体酶输送因子LYSET使细胞外蛋白质失去营养性运用 作家: 揭晓时光:2022/9/11 21:45:03 德国癌症争论焦点Wilhelm Palm、奥天时分子病理争论所Johannes Zuber等争论人员单干发明,溶酶体酶输送因子LYSET使细胞外蛋白质失去营养性运用。这一争论结果于2022年9月8日正在线宣布正在国际学术期刊《迷信》上。




Title: Lysosomal enzyme trafficking factor LYSET enables nutritional usage of extracellular proteins

Author: Catarina Pechincha, Sven Groessl, Robert Kalis, Melanie de Almeida, Andrea Zanotti, Marten Wittmann, Martin Schneider, Rafael P. de Campos, Sarah Rieser, Marlene Brandstetter, Alexander Schleiffer, Karin M ller-Decker, Dominic Helm, Sabrina Jabs, David Haselbach, Marius K. Lemberg, Johannes Zuber, Wilhelm Palm

Issue Volume: 2022-09-08

细胞通过什么输送营养 细胞通过什么输送营养物质呢

Abstract: Mammalian cells can generate amino acids through macropinocytosis and lysosomal breakdown of extracellular proteins, which is exploited by cancer cells to grow in nutrient-poor tumors. Here, through genetic screens in defined nutrient conditions we characterized LYSET, a transmembrane protein (TMEM251) selectively required when cells consume extracellular proteins. LYSET was found to associate in the Golgi with GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase, which targets catabolic enzymes to lysosomes through mannose-6-phosphate modification. Without LYSET, GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase was unstable owing to a hydrophilic transmembrane domain. Consequently, LYSET-deficient cells were depleted of lysosomal enzymes and impaired in turnover of macropinocytic and autophagic cargoes. Thus, LYSET represents a core component of the lysosomal enzyme trafficking pathway, underlies the pathomechanism for hereditary lysosomal storage disorders, and may represent a target to suppress metabolic adaptations in cancer.

DOI: abn5637


期刊信息 Science:《迷信》,创刊于1880年。附属于美国迷信匆匆进会,最新IF:41.037 官方网址: 投稿链接:
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